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A Romantic Spy Thriller
Book Club met this August to picnic in the park while we discuss our thoughts on Patrit’s Pick: First Lie Wins by Ashley Elston.
Patrit stumbled across this title when browsing the kindle shop. The description of the mysterious main character piqued Patrit’s interest, enticing her to select it for our book club to read.
The story follows Evie Porter, a young woman in a small town in Louisiana with her new beau, Ryan Sumner. Except, we quickly learn that Evie has a lot that she is hiding, including a potential secret identity.
The story follows Evie and her clandestine employer, Mr. Smith. The story is full of twists and turns that reveal her and Ryan’s relationship may not have been a fated coincidence after all…
A fast paced book that does not lag at any point, it is quite easy to breeze through this exciting thriller.
Book Club Rates It:
4.7 / 5
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