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Skin Health Is More Than Just Expensive Products

For centuries, Traditional Chinese Medicine has used Gua Sha as a way to stimulate blood circulation to promote healing within the body. There are a plethora of benefits caused by this type of massage, WebMD does a great job explaining it. 

Thanks to social media, knowledge of the gua sha has entered the zeitgeist and is becoming a standard addition to skincare routines. This is all for the best, if you ask me. If more people focused their time on giving themselves 5 minute health massages a day, imagine how much more relaxed we will be over time! First rub a good quality face oil between your hands to warm it up (I like to use Jojoba oil: ), then rub it on your face. Then use your gua sha to gently massage your face. 

This is my favorite gua sha for skincare (Amazon Affiliate link: ) because it is made from rose quartz. If you are an ethereal girlie like me, then you know that rose quartz captures the essence of beauty. I like to incorporate it whenever I can into my beauty routines to make it just a little more magical 🌟

The tiktok below does a great job demonstrating proper gua sha for skincare technique.
@yurileeeee Gua Sha titorial for #doublechin #11lines #smilelines #frownlines 😘❤️ #guasha #guashatutorial #facemassage #selfcare ♬ Chopin Nocturne No. 2 Piano Mono – moshimo sound design

Want to know more skincare tips? Check out our last article about 5 foods to eat that will help clear your skin. And don’t forget the most important factor for healthy skin is to be as stress-free as possible. I know, sounds easier said than done. But you are too pretty to be stressed. So stick around us delulu girlies at For Your Amusement and you will always be the stress-free princess you deserve to be here 💖

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