Celebrating Modern America: Mission Tortilla Tacos Actually Go Hard

As we celebrate the 4th of July this year, I find myself reflecting on what it means to be American in 2024. Growing up with an immigrant parent, I have always celebrated my Colombian-American melting pot of culture. I believe in honoring and sharing our diverse backgrounds, which is the true essence of what the […]

Toddler-Friendly Meals: Sausage and Kale Soup

As a parent, finding meals that my toddler loves can sometimes be a challenge. However, I’ve discovered that my two-year-old will eat almost anything if it’s in the form of soup. One of our favorite recipes is a delicious Sausage and Kale Soup. It’s cheap, easy to make, and flavorful enough that even my adult […]

Summer Recipes: Refreshing Watermelon Feta Salad

One of my absolute favorite salads every summer is a refreshing Watermelon Feta Salad. It’s the perfect dish to have ready in the fridge, especially after a hot day of gardening or a long walk. This salad not only cools you down but also adds some delicious Yin cooling foods to your body, according to […]

New Jersey: Discovering History at the Jefferson Township Museum

This year marks the 220th anniversary of Jefferson Township, and what better way to celebrate than by exploring the rich history preserved in our local museum? Recently, I had the pleasure of visiting the Jefferson Township Museum, a charming time capsule that offers a glimpse into our town’s past. The museum is housed in an […]

Easy Cheesy Roasted Poblano Chicken Dip Recipe

Last weekend, I had a small get-together at my neighbor’s house, and I knew I couldn’t show up empty-handed. However, with no time for a grocery run, I had to get creative with what I had in my fridge. Fortunately, I had a rotisserie chicken from yesterday that I had planned to use for crema […]

Dealing with Anxiety by Being More Present

When I was 19 years old, I was diagnosed with generalized anxiety disorder. It was a time filled with overwhelming fear and constant worry. There were moments when my anxiety was so severe that I would experience hallucinations, making it difficult to function in everyday life. I remember being too afraid even to take a […]